Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 1
PROGRAM # 8319 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

On May Day, immigrant workers take to the streets in cities around the US and civil-rights advocates call for a day without Latinos and immigrants in Wisconsin to stop 287g, a program that allows local police to act as federal immigration agents. Also, an expert comments on the ruling of a judge ordering the Trump administration to accept new DACA applications and dispels widespread confusion. And Honduran migrants talk about their quest for asylum at the US border after traveling on caravan through Mexico. And a leading advocate comments on the historic case heard this week by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on egregious military abuses in Mexico.

Guests: Carlos Spector Calderón, Attorney, Founder, Mexicanos en el Exilio, El Paso, TX; Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; Leonard Olsen, Coordinator, Pueblo sin Fronteras, Tijuana, Mexico; Osman, unaccompanied minor, caravana, 16 years-old, Honduran, Tijuana, Mexico; Dulce Garcia, DACA permit holder, Attorney, Garcia Law Firm, Chula Vista, CA.


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