Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 24
PROGRAM # 8314 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Honduran refugee caravan known as Viacrucis Migrante, which was angrily censored by Trump, is about to reach Tijuana in search for political asylum in Mexico and the US. At the same time, tens of pilgrims march from Los Angeles to the Mexican border to welcome the refugees while protesting the anti-sanctuary governments in the area and the plan to send National Guard troops to the border. Also, 14 cities and two counties ruled by hard-line Republicans have joined the Trump administration’s battle against California over its progressive sanctuary law and they have pledged not to obey those laws. A well-known columnist from Orange County comments the politics behind those local resolutions. Other highlights of this program include the session at the US Supreme Court to hear arguments on the Muslim ban, and the decision by Kern County D.A. not to file criminal charges against the ICE agents linked to the death of the two farmworkers whose truck crashed as they fled from the federal officers.

Guests: Alex Mensing, Project Coordinator, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, Oakland, CA; Monica Torres Mora, Volunteer Organizer, March without Borders, Santa Ana, CA; Gustavo Arellano, California Columnist, Los Angeles Times Opinion Section, Former Chief Editor, OC Weekly, Orange County, CA.


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