Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 TUESDAY, APRIL 17
PROGRAM # 8309 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

As California became the last border state to agree to President Trump’s request to send troops from the National Guard to the border with Mexico, civil rights groups are urging all the governors to reject those plans, stating that “border communities are not war zones.” Analysts examine California’s caveats and mission. Also, about 100 people working in a meatpacking plant in Knoxville, TN, were arrested and detained in the largest workplace raid to date under the Trump administration. Churches are providing sanctuary to dozens of children and family members of those detained. Also, a well-known Latino journalist was arrested in Memphis while covering an immigrant detention protest, he was later turned into ICE custody and now faces deportation. And in Delano, local police is seeking charges against ICE agents who were involved in a deadly chase of a farmworking couple. An analyst comments on efforts to provide rapid-response assistance during ICE operations.

Guests: Leticia Alvarez, Organizing Director, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Nashville, TN; Ivan Flores, Member, Comunidades Unidadas en Una Voz, Memphis, TN; Assembymember Eduardo Garcia, Democrat, Sacramento, CA; Hector Saldivar, Southern California Field Director, California State Federation of Labor, Los Angeles, CA.


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