Immigration Edition.


PROGRAM # 8304 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Claiming there is a crisis at the Southern border, President Trump ordered sending National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border and while three governors have pledged support, California’s remains noncommittal. An advocate from the border area comments on this development, on the migrant caravan maligned by Trump, and the anti-sanctuary movement pushed at local governments by Republicans in California. Also, an immigrant single mom with two prior DUIs was released in San Francisco after 11 months in detention, becoming the first undocumented person in prolonged detention to be released since the Supreme Court ruled that the undocumented could be detained indefinitely without bond hearings.

Guests: Enrique Morones, Founder and Director, Border Angels, San Diego, CA; Floricel Liborio Ramos, Released Mexican Immigrant, Lodi, CA; Jehan Laner Romero, Defender of Floricel Ramos, Immigration Attorney, Pangea Legal Services, San Francisco, CA.


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