Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 13
PROGRAM # 8284 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

After the Trump administration sued California over its sanctuary laws, Trump visits the state, his first as a president, to review prototypes for a border wall and raise campaign money. Also, an interview with a sheriff from California’s Central Valley who went on national TV to blast California’s sanctuary laws and praise ICE operations in immigrant communities. And an interview with a Latina soldier who is suing the federal government for indefinitely delaying her citizenship application and treating soldiers unlawfully. Also, an activist talks about the detention and deportation process in Arizona against an immigrant leader presumably for her public work in defense of civil rights.

Guests: Sheriff Margaret Mims, Fresno County, Fresno, CA; Kira Romero-Craft, Managing Attorney, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, Orlando, FL; Maria Alejandra Salas-Baltuano, Community Organizer, Mijente, Washington, D.C.


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