Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 30
PROGRAM # 8254 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The White House is throwing a monkey wrench into the DACA bipartisan negotiations by demanding 25 billion for the wall and the end of the family-reunification immigration system. Also, Democrats in Congress have invited a number of Dreamers and immigrants affected by Trump’s policies to tonight’s State of the Union Address. On other news, Washington State is suing Motel 6 charging the hotel chain with giving private guest information to US immigration authorities. Guest analysts also report on a new hearing in the lawsuit of young immigrants from New York challenging the White House decision to end DACA. These and other developments are discussed in this edition.

Guests: Ivonne Orozco-Acosta, Dreamer Immigrant, New Mexico’s Teacher of the Year, Guest to State of the Union Address, Washington, DC; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL; (Audio Segments) Marielena Hincapie, Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center, New York, NY; Hannah Schoen, Law Intern, School of Law, Yale University, New York, NY; Martin Batalla Vidal, Main Plaintiff, Batalla vs Sessions, Make the Road NY, New York, NY; Eleana Fernández, Plaintiff, Batalla v Sessions, Make the Road NY; Eric Schneiderman, Attorney General, State of New York, New York, NY.


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