Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 23
PROGRAM # 8249 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

US officials have plans for a massive immigration sweep in San Francisco and other Northern California cities and are threatening to arrest mayors of sanctuary cities. Following the recent raid against 7-Eleven stores, a number of groups have activated coordinated rapid response activities to protect immigrants at risk. On other news, a group of US-born children whose parents have been deported or are at risk of deportation are suing the Trump administration in a court in Miami alleging they will suffer grave damages after their families are separated. And leaders of young Dreamers say they feel “superdisappointed and superangry” at Congress after they voted to reopen the government while failing to find a solution for the DACA crisis.

Guests: Jon Rodney, Communications Director, California Immigrant Policy Center, Oakland, CA; José Trujillo, Dreamers Leader, Washington, DC; Abigail Zapote, National Vice President for Young Adults, LULAC, Washington, DC; Nora Sándigo, Executive Director, Nora Sándigo Children’s Foundation, Miami, FL


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