Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 2
PROGRAM # 8234 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

A recap of the Trump administration actions on immigration and a look into the issues to watch in 2018. Analysts comment on the policies in Washington to fund a border wall, deportation agents and detention centers; the new DHS program for facial scans at US airports; the measures to punish sanctuary cities; the plans to separate detained parents from their children; the naturalization backlogs; the fight for the Dream Act as the government funding deadline and the end of DACA nears; the efforts to extend TPS protection for Hondurans and Salvadorans; the court battle around Texas’ SB4; and advanced state laws to protect immigrant residents.

Guest: Annaluisa Padilla, National President, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: tangancicuaromipueblo.blogspot

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