Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19
PROGRAM # 8224 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

A civic leader talks about the community campaigns that have helped catalyze the current surge of naturalizations around the nation, including the investments by cities, and states like California and Washington, on legal aid programs to help pave the path to citizenship. She also comments on the efforts to get the federal government fix the massive citizenship application backlogs and long waits. Also, she airs concerns about the possible nomination to a high office in the US Census Bureau of a candidate with controversial political interests. In another topic, a political analyst explains a dozen of laws that are about to go into effect in California as part of the most ambitious package of protections for immigrants at risk of deportation. They include the California State Sanctuary law and other measures giving immigrants protections against housing discrimination, workplace raids, and the presence of federal agents in schools.

Guests: Juliana Cabrales, Director, North Carolina, NALEO, Raleigh, CN; Christopher Galeano, Policy Associate, California Immigrant Policy Center, Sacramento, CA.


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