Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8219 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

A political analyst comments on the escalation of actions on Congress by Dreamers and their allies, the meaning of the letter signed by 34 Republican congressmembers to their leader Paul Ryan urging a DACA solution, the impact on 2018 of the defeat in recent elections of candidates who campaigned demonizing immigrants and the announced retirement from Congress of Luis Gutiérrez. Also, a farmworker advocate and a leader of growers comment on Congress’ inaction on a solution for migrant farmworkers, including the Blue Card, and the push instead for guest worker programs and the E-Verify system.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Senior Adviser, National Partnership for New Americans, Woodburn, OR; Erica Lomelí, Director of Civic Participation, UFW Foundation, Los Angeles, CA; Manuel Cunha Jr, President, Nissei Farmers League, Fresno, CA.


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