Immigration Edition.

Tuesday 31_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31
PROGRAM # 8189 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

House Speaker Paul Ryan told conservative Republicans that legislation to fix Dreamers’ status will be included in December’s omnibus spending package. Will it be a “clean” bill? Also, a 10-year-old Mexican girl with cerebral palsy was detained by ICE officers in Corpus Christi after emergency surgery and now faces deportation. Finally, a rally at the office of a Republican member of congress to urge relief for Central American refugees turned into a suspected act of terror when a white driver plowed his car into the group of demonstrators. Is he treated as a hate-crime suspect? Analysts comment these stories.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Adviser/Consultant, National Partnership for New Americans, Radio Host, KPCN-Radio Movimiento, Woodburn, OR; Luis M. Fuentes, M.A., Senior Civic Engagement Specialist, SEIU-United Service Workers West, Los Angeles, CA; Priscila Martinez, Coordinator, Texas Immigration Coalition, Austin, TX


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