Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24
PROGRAM # 8184 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

The Trump administration will be deciding in coming weeks the fate of more than 250,000 refugees who are at risk of losing their TPS protection. Central American advocates and faith leaders are urging the federal government to extend the TPS for Salvadorans and Hondurans. Also, faced with an order of deportation and after being denied a pardon by the governor, a Peruvian immigrant mother who spent five months in a church in Denver chose to reenter her sanctuary. An immigration lawyer also gives advice on the penalties faced when applying for a green card and the applicant has used fraudulent documents to get employment, and issues that may arise during naturalization interviews.

Guests: Ingrid Encalada, Immigrant in Sanctuary Church, Denver, CO; Salvador Sanabria, Executive Director, El Rescate, Los Angeles, CA; Rosalba Piña, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL.


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