Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17
PROGRAM # 8179 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

As the House heads into recess, immigrant rights advocates are coordinating actions to visit congressional representatives to urge them to pass a Dream Act bill as part of the omnibus spending package. Also, the Trump administration is planning to impose quotas on federal immigration judges to quicken decisions on deportations. And a Mexican immigrant mother talks about her life in a Chicago church that gave her sanctuary and her efforts to get an immigration court to revisit her case, almost two months after she decided to defy an order of deportation.

Guests: Artemio Arreola, Political Director, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights – ICIRR, Chicago, IL; Francisca Lino, Sanctuary Recipient After Defying Deportation Order, Adalberto United Methodist Church, Chicago, IL


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