Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3
PROGRAM # 8169 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

On the eve of the critical DACA renewal deadline, public calls grow to extend it and get Congress to act on a legislative remedy, while service providers mount a new effort to help Dreamers renew DACA. On other topic, raising constitutional and privacy questions, immigrant congress members are urging the Trump administration to delay a proposed rule to collect and retain social media information of all immigrants, including permanent residents and naturalized citizens. The rule would go into effect this month. Also, while the number of immigrants arrested have jumped, the Trump administration has deported fewer people than Obama’s, but numbers can be deceiving, says a guest commentator. And, today the US Supreme Court heard Jennings v. Rodriguez, a case that challenges mandatory detention of immigrants without bond hearings; the human rights lawyer who leads the fight join us after arguing the case before the highest court. Finally, in response to Las Vegas mass shooting, Latina Democrat members of Congress make an urgent call to their Republican counterparts to do more on the epidemic of gun violence and bring legislation to make it harder to get assault weapons.

Guests: Rep. Norma Torres, D-CA, Los Angeles, CA; Lynn Tramonte, Deputy Director, America’s Voice Education Fund, Cleveland Heights, OH; Ahilan Arulanantham, Director of Advocacy, Legal Director, ACLU of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; (audio cuts) Rep. Michelle Lujan-Grisham, D-NM; Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-CA, Washington, DC.


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