Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26
PROGRAM # 8164 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

California is suing the Trump administration to stop the border wall. Nine days to the deadline to apply for DACA renewals, advocates ramp up efforts to help Dreamers pay application fees and US Senators call for an extension after the hurricane disasters in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio visits Fresno this week invited by Republican leaders and hundreds are expecting to protest. A federal appeals court in New Orleans decided to keep injunction against Texas’ controversial SB4 law. And organizers in Wisconsin seek support from the dairy industry in their fight to stop a draconian anti-immigrant bill similar to SB4 in Texas. These and other developments are discussed in this edition.

Guests: Luis Roberto Vera, Jr, Attorney of El Cenizo and National Legal Counsel for LULAC, San Antonio, TX; Alejandro Rivera, Member, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; (audio segment) Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, California State, San Diego, CA.


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