PROGRAM # 8157 12:00 PM PST.
Immigration Edition.
While in Sacramento, a bill to declare California a sanctuary state passed the Assembly and has all political winds in favor, in the US House a committee of hardline Republicans works on Dreamer-related legislation. In addition, the appeals court in New Orleans is holding this week the first hearing on Texas’ appeal to the injunction against SB4, and a group of Dreamers sued the Trump administration over the end of DACA. These and other news are discussed in this edition.
Guests: Attorney Luis Roberto Vera, Jr, Legal Counsel for LULAC, San Antonio, TX; Larry Kleinman, Adviser/Consultant, National Partnership for New Americans, Radio Host, KPCN-Radio Movimiento, Woodburn, OR; Dulce Garcia, attorney, Garcia Law Firm, DACA beneficiary, Chula Vista, CA.
Photo: oaklandprivacy.org
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