Trump Ends DACA.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5
PROGRAM # 8147 12:00 PM PST.

Trump Ends DACA.

President Trump ends DACA, Jeff Sessions announces the decision, sparking widespread condemnation from various leaders of public opinion. The phase out of the popular program comes with a six month delay. In this edition, a top Catholic leader questions the current deportation policy, and a leading Dreamer analyzes the new challenges for young immigrants.

Guests: Catholic Bishop David O’Connell, Auxiliary Bishop for the San Gabriel Region, Director of Immigration Task Force, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA; Dulce Matuz, DACA Recipient, Co-Founder, Arizona Dream Act Coalition, Phoenix, AZ; (audio) Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General, Washington, DC; Sofi Cruz, Child of Mexican Undocumented Immigrants, Los Angeles, CA.


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