Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 22
PROGRAM # 8137 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

While in Texas the draconian SB4 law is set to go into effect in ten days, California is getting close to approve the SB 54 bill and become a sanctuary state. Against the Texas law are lining up a wide array of civil rights groups, while some sheriffs, led by the Los Angeles sheriff, are intensely lobbying Gov. Brown against California’s sanctuary state bill. On other news, Trump is holding today a campaign rally and a border tour in Arizona, where he is expected to talk immigration and pardon convicted Sheriff Jose Arpaio, and opponents plan large protests. Finally, an expert gives advice to those seeking to apply for naturalization to be aware about application problems, including their record of convictions.

Guests: State senator Rene García, President, National Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs, ( Republican/Miami-Dade), Tallahassee, FL; Carlos Amador, Organizing Director, California Immigrant Policy Center, Los Angeles, CA; Congressman Ruben Gallego, D-Arizona, Phoenix, AZ; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL


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