Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 25
PROGRAM # 8117 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

Responding to the growing threats against DACA and the uncertainty faced by young immigrants, US senators from both parties introduced a new Dream Act bill that would allow immigrants who grew up in the US to apply for legal residence and eventually earn citizenship. Also, a group of state legislators became the first major national Latino organization to boycott Texas due to the “Show Me Your Papers” law known as SB4. The group is moving a national summit from Austin to Chicago. Also, ten immigrants die, about thirty are hospitalized in San Antonio, TX, after being smuggled in a tractor trailer and Texas officials use the case to sell their draconian policies. Also, advocates denounce close ties between extremist anti-immigrant groups and county sheriffs. And, after ICE agents detain evangelical pastors in California and Arizona, a legal analyst warns listeners to be prepared. These and other topics are discussed in this program.

Guests: Kenneth Romero-Cruz, Esq., Executive Director, National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators, Washington, D.C.; Erika Andiola, Political Director, Our Revolution and DACA Beneficiary, Washington, D.C.; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL

Photo: Law offices of Chris M. Ingram

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