Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 27
PROGRAM # 8097 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

Leading immigration lawyer groups are tackling the crisis of legal representation for immigrant with a new plan to mobilize and prepare volunteer lawyers to defend immigrants facing deportation. They are also working with cities that create legal funds for families in need of defense. Also, another mom was detained during a routine check-in at the office of ICE in Denver and a North Carolina mother of three is facing a deportation order. And in Arizona, a federal court denied in-state tuition for students with DACA and the US Supreme Court wants more information about a case on Arizona’s effort to deny driver’s licenses to DACA beneficiaries. Analysts comment on those and other developments.


Guests: Annaluisa Padilla, President, American Immigration Lawyers Association – AILA, Los Angeles, CA Matuz, co-founder and member, Arizona Dream Act Coalition (ADAC), Phoenix, AZ,; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL,



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