Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 20
PROGRAM # 8092 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

The Trump administration rescinded the DAPA executive order and kept DACA in place, maintaining the limbo faced by Dreamers; ICE’s director warned that his agency is targeting all undocumented immigrants, “we shouldn’t wait for them to become a criminal;” the Trump administration recalibrates its policy towards Central America’s Northern Triangle and congressmembers urged to review policy involving Mexico in the crackdown against Central Americans; the Trump administration takes sides with Texas in the legal fight against the city of El Cenizo on SB4; and a community activist goes on hunger strike outside the North West Immigrants Detention Center in Tacoma. Analysts comment on these developments.

Guests: Oscar Chacón, Executive Director, Alianza Américas, Chicago, IL,; Victor Galvan, Campaign Manager, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, Denver, CO,; Luis Roberto Vera, Jr, Attorney of El Cenizo and Legal Counsel for LULAC, San Antonio, TX; Maru Mora Villapando, member, NWDC Resistance , Tacoma, WA,


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