Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 23
PROGRAM # 7863 12:00 PM PST.

Immigration Edition.

Immigrant mothers detained in a family detention facility near Philadelphia are partially suspending today their two-week-long hunger strike – a fasting mother speaks from inside the detention center. Photos just released to the public in Arizona reveal that Border Patrol holds immigrants—among them mothers with infants and small children—for days at a time in cold, overcrowded, and dirty cells. Analysts also comment on the call to end the use of private prisons to detain immigrants.

Guests: “María,” Hunger Striking Mother in Berks County Residential Center, Philadelphia, PA; Valeria Fernández, Correspondent, Phoenix, AZ; Nora Preciado, Staff Attorney, National Immigration Law Center, Los Angeles, CA; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL.


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