Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 5.
PROGRAM # 7689 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Activists urge President Obama to call off federal raids to deport hundreds of Central American women and children that entered the country last year and were ordered removed from the US by a judge. This weekend, dozens of parents and children were captured in Georgia and other states. Salvadoran refugee mothers share moving testimonies about their quest for refuge. An analyst also comments on the status of Texas v. US, at a time when the US Supreme Court is expected to decide whether to review the case in its 2016 session.

Guest: Mayra Joachin, Social Justice Fellow, National Immigration Law Center, Los Angeles, CA,; “Rosa María,” Salvadoran Refugee Applying for Political Asylum, Los Angeles, CA; “Julieta,” Salvadoran Refugee Applying for Political Asylum, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Joe Brusky/Flickr

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