Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, APRIL 11
PROGRAM # 9972 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

After being detained and deported to Guatemala in 2008, Claudia Cifuentes mother returns to the US after a long fight to reunite with her family in Washington state. In this interview, she tells her story of family separation and her lawyer talks about the efforts to achieve reunification. In other news, a legal expert talks about what to expect from the naturalization process in 2023, including naturalization fee increases and updates to the current naturalization test, to examine a civics component and a newly developed English-speaking component.

Guests: Claudia Marina Cifuentes, Mother Who Reunites With Her Children in the US; Sandy Restrepo, Attorney, Seattle, WA; Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Attorney, Chicago, IL.

Photo: Mike Scheid via Unsplash

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