Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28
PROGRAM # 9930 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

In Florida, millions of dollars in resources were approved so that state agents can transport asylum seekers from any part of the United States, and drop them off in sanctuary cities and states. This controversial legislation is a political show that will open the doors for racial discrimination, warn pro-immigrant organizations. In North Carolina, a proposal is being discussed to force its sheriffs to detain immigrants for 48 hours after serving their sentences, so that immigration agents can put them in deportation proceedings. Civil rights advocates believe that the measure would separate families, waste resources and have a negative impact on public safety. In addition, lawyer and legal analyst Alma Rosa Nieto will answer your questions about immigration.

Guests: Felipe Sousa-Lazaballet, Executive Director, The Hope Community Center, Orlando, FL; Sheila Arias, North Carolina Campaign Director of MomsRising and Steering Committee Member of La Alianza de Derechos para Inmigrantes de Carolina del Norte, Durham, NC; Alma Rosa Nieto, Lawyer and Legal Analyst, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Daniel Arauz via Flickr

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