Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21
PROGRAM # 9923 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Minnesota lawmakers passed a bill to give driver’s licenses to undocumented residents. The bill now heads to the state Senate. On other news, USCIS is planning to increase immigration fees. Fee waivers can help low-income immigrants but not all applicants are eligible, and some say the process can be long and challenging. A legal expert comments on this and gives practical advice to guide immigrants in the application, petition or request process. In other news, Colorado is the first state to create an unemployment assistance fund for undocumented immigrant workers. As part of the bill that Gov. Polis signed, the state legislature established the Benefit Recovery Fund, a separate fund for undocumented immigrants that will function similarly to the Unemployment Insurance Fund. This also includes news on the renewed effort in California to extend unemployment benefits to undocumented workers.

Guests: Rosalba Piña, Attorney, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL; Others TBA.

Photo: Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services via Facebook

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