Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JANUARY 24
PROGRAM # 9895 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Biden Administration’s new asylum policy, including the proposed asylum transit ban, will have consequences similar to the ones of the Trump Administration. How are these policies likely to play out for asylum seekers from Central America, the Caribbean and elsewhere? Also, a new DHS policy allows certain undocumented workers to apply for deferred action, or protection from deportation, if they witnessed or are victims of labor violations and help in investigations. How big would the impact of this new policy be in the workplace and the immigrant working community?In another story, Florida state authorities are suing the Biden administration in an attempt to block the enforcement of a policy called “Parole and Alternative to Detention,” which allows immigration agencies to release undocumented immigrants at or near the border on parole, many of whom end up in Florida. Finally, the Supreme Court will decide whether a federal law that makes it a crime to urge people to stay in the United States unlawfully can be a crime or is free speech under the First Amendment.

Photo: Daniel Arauz via Flickr

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