Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, DECEMBER 27
PROGRAM # 9867 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The mayor of El Paso, Texas, declared a state of emergency in order to better manage an increased influx of migrant arrivals over the expected ending of the Trump-era Title 42 policy. Also, Texas Governor Abbott urged the Attorney General to open an investigation into organizations providing legal and humanitarian assistance to immigrants. Finally, the nation’s largest college program for immigrant youth announced the opening of its new round of scholarship applications. This year, which marks the tenth round of scholarship applications, the organization is making opportunities available to more Dreamers.

Guests: Fernando García, Director, Border Network for Human Rights, El Paso, TX; Bernardo Rafael Cruz, Attorney, ACLU of Texas, El Paso, TX; Gaby Pacheco, Director of Advocacy, Communications and Development, TheDream.US, Miami, FL.

Foto: Max Böhme via Unsplash

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