Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15
PROGRAM # 9825 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Due in part to the Covid pandemic, lengthy backlogs in the renewal applications have caused long delays on green card extensions. What is the federal government doing to expedite the application process? How are these delays impacting the plans of many residents to travel to Mexico during the holidays? Is it safe to travel with an expired Green Card? In another story, an expert discusses what the new public charge regulations do for immigrant families, in areas such as healthcare and food access, and how to take full advantage of the change.

Guests: Laura Díaz, News Reporter, The Fresno Bee/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA; Ariadna Rentería Torres, Director, Immigration Legal Servies, Watsonville Law Center, Watsonville; Liz Oseguera, Assistant Director of Policy, California Primary Care Association, Sacramento, CA.


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