Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, OCTOBER 4
PROGRAM # 9766 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

A panel of judges in California ruled that GEO could block from going into effect a state law signed in 2019 which banned private prisons and private immigration centers in the state, allowing the centers to remain open. Advocates are angry that the Biden administration is siding with companies with a track record of abuse in this Trump-era lawsuit. In other news, a group of US senators led by US Sen. Alex Padilla introduced a bill updating the “Registry,” in order to allow immigrants who have lived seven years in the country to apply for green cards.

Guests: Immigrant Legal Resource Center, San Francisco, CA; US Sen. Alex Padilla, D-CA, Washington, DC; Others TBA.

Photo: Senator Alex Padilla via twitter

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