Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, AUGUST 30
PROGRAM # 9730 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Biden administration published a new rule that strengthens the DACA program, offers more protections for beneficiaries and will turn DACA into a federal regulation, shielding it from legal challenges. What to know about the new rule? In other news, lawyers are challenging the deportation of a North Carolina resident who was deported to the Dominican Republic despite living in the US since he was a child and his father was a US citizen. Many ask: Why was he deported in the first place? Why was he excluded from citizenship?

Guests: Ariadna Rentería, Executive Director, Immigration Attorney, Immigration Legal Services of the Central Coast, Watsonville, CA; Peter Isbister, Senior Lead Attorney, Southeast Immigrant Freedom Initiative, Southern Poverty Law Center, Decatur, GA.

Photo: Susan Ruggles via flickr

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