Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, AUGUST 9
PROGRAM # 9709 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Reporting tens of deaths and a number of racial profiling cases in connection with Operation Lone Star, congress members and civil rights groups ask the federal government to intervene in Texas. Meantime, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has bused 6,500 migrants to Washington, forcing the city to take emergency measures. In more news, advocates say migrants are being illegally detained at detention centers along the border, as ICE is failing to release them even though their cases were terminated by the court. Why has DHS failed to end the MPP program and continued the detention of asylum seekers? Finally, the Biden administration’s “public charge” policy has been completed by the DHS and the final regulation may be ready in weeks. What do advocates expect? What are the stakes for millions of immigrant families?

Guests: Adriana Cadena, Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Campaign Director, Los Angeles, CA; Jen Ramos, Political Specialist, Jolt Action, Austin, TX; Kirsten Zittlau, Immigration Attorney, San Diego, CA.

Photo: Texas Military Department via facebook

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