Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, AUGUST 2
PROGRAM # 9702 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Voters in Arizona and Washington state go to the polls today for primary elections. Analysts review new laws impacting this election season and high profile races and issues driving voters to the polls. On other news, human rights groups in El Paso remember the Walmart massacre three years ago as they call for more action against gun violence, white supremacy and xenophobia. In related news, congress members and civil rights groups ask the federal government to intervene in Texas after they report tens of deaths and a number of racial profiling cases in connection with Operation Lone Star

Guests: Fernando García, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights, El Paso, TX; Elvia Díaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; Others TBA.

Photo: Janine Robinson via Unsplash

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