Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JULY 26
PROGRAM # 9695 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Newly naturalized citizens have a voting power that can decide the outcome of the upcoming midterm elections in critical states like Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Many have decided to become citizens because of the current political attacks on immigrant communities. Advocates share findings about this growing voting block and efforts to educate and mobilize it. Also, the Biden administration launched the citizenship ambassador initiative to partner with community leaders to help demystify the naturalization process and give immigrants tools to become citizens. A citizenship ambassador joins in to share plans. Finally, advocates discuss new immigration-reform bills in Congress.

Guests: Elsa Caballero, President, SEIU Texas, Houston, TX; Damaris González, Immigration Organizer, Texas Organizing Project (TBC); Margarita Rocha, Executive Director, Centro La Familia, Citizenship Ambassador, Fresno, CA (TBC); Others TBA.

Photo: USCIS via facebook

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