Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, MAY 17
PROGRAM # 9625 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Buffalo massacre suspect espoused the “Great Replacement” theory, a set of ideas promoted by anti-immigrant and white supremacist groups. Conservative groups, including nativist leaders and former Trump officials, are approaching the midterm elections with a radical agenda and a hard anti-immigrant rhetoric. Is this rhetoric of hate contributing to mass violence? A political analyst talks about this. Also, an immigration lawyer comments on the US Supreme Court ruling allowing to stand a decision by an immigration judge to deport an immigrant who claimed he had checked off the wrong box misrepresenting himself as a citizen. She also warns about the risk on relying on notaries public for immigration cases.

Guests: Vanessa Cardenas, Deputy Director, America’s Voice, Washington, DC; Alma Rosa Nieto, Lawyer, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Fibonacci Blue via flickr

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