Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pm

PROGRAM # 9611 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The United States runs the largest immigration prison system in the world. Most jailed immigrants are held in for-profit prisons, without trial. Abolition advocates are asking hard questions: Does advocating for bond hearings, counsel, or more humane conditions help or hurt the cause? What to make of the massive increase in the use of “alternatives to detention” under the Biden Administration? This program includes a report on the May 1 rallies and events held as part of a coordinated “Day Without Immigrants” in the nation’s Midwest.

Guests: Ahilan Arulanantham, Professor from Practice and Co-Director of the Center for Immigration Law and Policy at UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, CA; Alex Rodriguez, Lead Plaintiff, Jennings v. Rodriguez, Los Angeles, CA; Gabriela Domenzain, Director Of Communications, Center for Immigration Law and Policy, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, CA; Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI.

Photo: Stephen Melkisethian via flickr

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