Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, APRIL 12
PROGRAM # 9590 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

One year after launching the multi-billion Operation Lone Star, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is claiming success in his crusade to stop migrants and drug traffickers at the Southern border. But after a nine-month investigation, reporters found these claims to be based on inflated figures and false reports about border detentions. On another story, during the Covid-19 crisis, New York created the Excluded Workers Fund to provide undocumented workers with financial relief they couldn’t get through federal emergency programs. What’s the impact of this fund for excluded workers and families?

Guests: Andrew Rodríguez Calderón, Computational Journalist, The Marshall Project, New York, NY; Perla Trevizo, Reporter, Investigative Unit, ProPublica/Texas Tribune, Austin, TX; Paola Echave, Researcher, Income and Benefits Policy Center, Urban Institute, New York, NY.

Photo: Office of the Texas Governor

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