Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JANUARY 25
PROGRAM # 9513 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Biden administration marked one year in office. What’s the state of his campaign promises? In other stories: A rural sheriff in Texas is under investigation for regularly taking money from undocumented immigrants during traffic stops. Also, Los Angeles county supervisors are moving to eradicate deputy gangs from the Sheriff Department after a study found a culture of abusive intimidation and harassment among deputies. Others urge an end to the way people pay for political campaigns in order to reign in mass incarceration.

Guests: Angélica Salas, Executive Director, CHIRLA, Los Angeles, CA (TBA); County Supervisor Hilda Solís, Los Angeles, CA (TBC); Others TBA.

Photo: Joe Biden/Facbook

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