Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, DECEMBER 21
PROGRAM # 9478 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

The Senate parliamentarian rejected the third Democratic proposal on immigration. What’s next? In other news, New York City became the largest city in the US to allow non-citizen residents to vote in local elections. The councilmember sponsor of the bill has been invited to discuss the local and national ramifications of the legislation. In more news, a watchdog group reports that white nationalist militias are ramping up activities targeting migrants along the Southern border and federal agents have failed to take action. These and other news are discussed in this edition.

Guests: Ydanis Rodriguez, Council Member, New York City Council, New York, NY (TBC); Efren Olivares, Deputy Legal Director, Immigrant Justice Project, Southern Poverty Law Center, McAllen, TX (TBC); Others TBA.


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