Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, DECEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 9464 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

The latest immigration plan in the budget reconciliation bill went to Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough. She will decide whether the plan, that would grant temporary protections for millions of undocumented immigrants, meets the requirement that reconciliation bills “primarily impact the federal budget.” This is a report on the decision expected for this week. In more news, as the new DHS guidelines on prosecutorial discretion went into effect last week, many impacted families and organizers are reported to be filing for review of cases. The case of Enrique Meneses, a Dreamer transferred to ICE after serving years in prison, is being pushed by advocates as a critical test for the new protocols. Finally, the Biden administration and Mexico have agreed to officially restart the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols program (MPP), a Trump-era policy also known as “Remain in Mexico.” Advocates have warned the Biden administration that it could face legal action over the reinstatement of the program.

Guests: Jacinta Gonzalez, Senior Campaign Organizer, Mijente, Phoenix, AZ; Physicians for Human Rights (TBA).

Photo: nevadacurrent

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