Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324  12pmTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23
PROGRAM # 9450 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

A prominent immigrant rights activist who is facing a deportation process went back to her native Mexico after 25 years of separation from her family because of her immigration status in the US. She tells the story of her emotional reunion with her family and community and the way she has been able to get her legal residence. She and an immigration rights advocate also comment on the passage in the House of the Build Back Better bill and the immigration provisions that include protection against deportation and access to work and travel permits but no path to citizenship. In another story, a legal advocate reports on a hunger strike of up to 25 immigrant inmates in Mesa Verde detention center to protest poor access to health care and to family visits.

Guests: Maru Mora Villalpando, Director, Latino Advocacy, Seattle, WA; Josefina Mora-Cheung, daughter of Maru Mora, Bellingham, WA; Esperanza Cuautle, Co-Director, Pangea Legal Services, San Francisco, CA; Ben Monterroso, Senior Advisor, Poder Latinx, Los Angeles, CA.


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