Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324  12pmTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16
PROGRAM # 9443 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

The latest Democratic immigration plan for the social budget reconciliation package no longer includes a permanent pathway to citizenship for undocumented people in hopes of getting the green light from the Senate parliamentarian. Angry at the Democrats, immigrant advocates stepped up pressure urging leaders of Congress to overrule the parliamentarian and include a path to citizenship in reconciliation. An analyst discusses the impact of this change. In other news, after a judge ordered GEO to pay back wages to detained immigrants who worked at the detention center between September 2014 and October 2021 inside the Northwest Detention Center, advocates plan to ensure that the corporation pays the state minimum wage of $ 13.69 to all detained migrants who are forced to work. Finally, the editorial board of the New York Times endorsed a public call to end Title 42, an emergency public health policy that allows the government to expel migrants at the border during a pandemic, after CDC officials admitted there was little public health rationale for the policy.

Guests: Adriana Jasso, US-Mexico Border Program Coordinator, American Friends Service Committe, San Diego, CA; Juan Prieto, Digital Communications Manager, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, San Francisco, CA; Ariadna Renteria Torres, Executive Director, Immigration Attorney, Immigrant Legal Services of the Central Coast Inc, Watsonville, CA.


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