Immigration Edition.

Tuesday _673x324 12pmTUESDAY, OCTOBER 26
PROGRAM # 9422 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

At the eleventh hour, Democrats are rushing to craft Plan C for immigration reform measures in the budget package. The debate is around two choices. Should Democrats disregard the opinion of the Senate parliamentarian and forge ahead with a plan that includes a path to citizenship for millions? Or should they compromise and settle for a plan that grants parole, temporary protection, to millions? A congresswoman talks about a letter sent by her caucus to the Senate, urging to move forward on immigration reform, and an advocate, who examines the prospects for each plan. In other news, human rights lawyers had access to secret DHS files and now reveal a history of impune intimidation and abuse against asylum applicants by federal border authorities. According to the leading investigator and writer of the report, those abusive practices worsened under President Trump and call on the Biden administration to take decisive action to remedy it.

Guests: Clarissa Martinez de Castro, Deputy Vice President, Policy and Advocacy, UnidosUS, Washington, DC; Clara Long, associate US director, Human Rights Watch, Oakland, CA; Congresswoman Norma Torres, (CA-D), Washington, DC.


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