Immigration Edition.

Tuesday 12pm_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19
PROGRAM # 9415 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

Democratic leaders in Congress are considering to include immigration measures in the “human” infrastructure package to provide temporary legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants. The measures would expand the Homeland Security secretary’s authority to grant a temporary status known as parole to those who are undocumented and have lived in the United States for a decade or more, shielding them from deportation. A political analyst explains the protections of parole, and reports on the specifics of the proposed idea and the prospects to get a green light from the Senate parliamentarian. On other topics, the DHS announced it will stop work-site raids and replace them with a focus on unscrupulous employers who exploit unauthorized workers, conduct illegal activities or impose unsafe working conditions. A community organizer from Tennessee, ground zero for mass raids during the Trump administration, welcomes the new guidelines and reports on the aftermath of mass detention of immigrant poultry workers in Morristown in 2018.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Co-Founder of PCUN, Political Commentator for KTUP Radio, Woodburn, OR; Jazmín Ramirez, Latinx Organizer, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugees Rights Coalition (TIRRC), Nashville, TN


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