Immigration Edition.

Tuesday _673x324 12pmTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 9372 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition. A mixed-status family continues suffering the consequences of family separation on grounds of “public charge” even months after this rule from the Trump era is no longer in effect. A reporter gives insights on this dramatic case. In other news, turning back asylum applicants arriving at ports of entry at the border is illegal, according to a judge who ruled against “metering” and similar practices. Meanwhile, the California legislature passed a bill championed by immigrant advocates that ensures that private detention operators comply with public health orders and Cal OSHA regulations. 

Guests: Nicole Ramos, Project Director, Border Rights, Al Otro Lado, Tijuana, MX; Zaidee Stavely, Writer, EdSource, Oakland, CA; Jackie Gonzalez, Policy Director, Immigrant Defense Advocates, Sacramento, CA.


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