Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JULY 20
PROGRAM # 9323 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

The $3.5 trillion budget resolution to help the country recover from the Covid-19 pandemic includes funding for immigration policy changes, including legalization programs for immigrants and a path to citizenship for immigrant workers and their families. What immigration provisions are in the plan and what are its prospects in the reconciliation process? On another topic, a top California official discusses the new investments geared for vulnerable non-citizens in the new California state budget. Finally, analysts comment on Sheriff Ed Gonzalez confirmation hearing in the Senate to lead ICE and the ruling of a federal judge in Texas against DACA and against new DACA applications.

Guests: US Senator Alex Padilla, D-California, Washington, DC (TBC); Gina Da Silva, Senior Policy Advisor for Immigration, Office of Governor Newsom, Sacramento, CA (TBC); Others TBA


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