Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JULY 13
PROGRAM # 9316 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

A national coalition launches today the campaign “Ready to Stay,” in an effort to help immigrants access legal services, gain protection and enroll in programs that may lead to eventual citizenship. In other news, under a settlement with a group working to abolish immigration detention, ICE agreed to provide continued access to the National Immigration Detention Hotline for people in more than 150 detention centers. Also, officials in York County, PA, announced they will be ending their contract with ICE and the local prison will no longer detain immigrants. Finally, union leaders push for a path to citizenship for farm workers, as a way to gain labor protections during the current wave of extreme heat.

Guests: Thais Carrero, CASA, York, PA (TBA); Teresa Romero, President, UFW, Bakersfield, CA (TBA); Others TBA.

Photo: Thais Carrero/Twitter

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