Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JULY 6
PROGRAM # 9309 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

In his first days in office, President Biden instructed federal officials to eliminate barriers in the existing naturalization process, ending Trump’s controversial citizenship exam. A legal expert comments about the requirements for naturalization and the actions by local, state and federal governments to remove barriers for prospective citizens and help becoming US citizens easier. On other news, the Biden administration will begin reviewing thousands of cases of people who say they were unjustly deported in recent years, especially during the Trump era, including military families and veterans, young immigrants excluded from DACA, and those who have close relatives who are US citizens that can be harmed. Finally, on the eve of an indictment against his business, Trump goes to the border wall.

Guests: Ariadna Rentería Torres, Executive Director, Immigrant Legal Services of the Central Coast, Watsonville, CA; Rosalba Piña, Attorney, Expert on Immigration and Naturalization Law, Chicago, IL.

Photo: ElPortal24/Twitter

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