Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JUNE 29
PROGRAM # 9302 12:00 PM PDT

Immigration Edition.

Vice President Kamala Harris visited the US-Mexico border in El Paso, a week after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced a $250 state fund to continue building Trump’s wall and after Sen. Bernie Sanders announced that Democrats are planning to include a pathway to citizenship for certain immigrants as part of an infrastructure package. Advocates discuss these developments and, after meeting with Vice President Harris, renew their calls to end expedited deportations under Title 42, change the narrative criminalizing immigrants, and turn current internment centers for unacompannied children into welcome centers. Finally, a news reporter brings details about the agreement reached between California legislative leaders and Gov. Newsom to include funding in the new budget to extend Medi-Cal’s health insurance to undocumented immigrants 50 and older.

Guests: Nanci Palacios, Deputy Director, Faith in Florida, Miami, FL; Fernando Garcia, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights -BNHR, El Paso, TX; Ruben Tapia, News Producer/Reporter, Radio Bilingüe, Los Angeles, CA; (Audio Segments) State Sen. María Elena Durazo, D-LA; State Assemblymember Joaquín Arámbula, D-Fresno; California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara; Isabel, Uninsured Immigrant Farmworker, Coachella, CA.


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