Immigration Edition: Activist Deported. Also, Six Months in Sanctuary.

Tuesday 5_673x324Cipriano Ríos, who gain national notoriety after leading a hunger strike in a detention center in Tacoma, WA, was deported to Mexico. Rios had spent 18 months in detention while fighting his asylum case. He is now reportedly stranded in the border area and separated from his family.

Guest: Maru Mora Villalpando, Coordinator, Latino Advocacy, Tacoma, WA,

Six Months in Sanctuary. Rosa Robles, a mother of two, took sanctuary more than six months ago in a church in Tucson after she was given a final order of deportation. Groups of activists are stepping up public campaigns to pressure immigration authorities under the slogans: “Keep Tucson Together” and “We Stand with Rosa.”

Guest: Rosa Robles, Tucson Presbyterian Church, Tucson, AZ.

Photos: Fibonacci Blue/Flickrcfpereda/Flickr

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